
A lightweight, AI-powered file renaming tool.

TrueName leverages Python’s extensive array of libraries to extract text from documents and analyze it using NLP. It generates meaningful filenames for easy identification of their content.


TrueName : a desktop app for analyzing, renaming and sorting text documents based on their content. Designed for both individual users and businesses, TrueName serves as a valuable time-saving tool, particularly useful for swiftly identifying files with obscure or ambiguous names.

There is a persistent issue with automatically generated PDF files, where the generated file's name is relevant for the platform it came from but not for the user requesting the file. Common classics from governmental and administrative websites include document.pdf, notification.pdf, or even the ol' reliable FirstName_LastName_bunchofnumbers.pdf, all usually applied to important personal documents. TrueName leverages Python’s extensive array of libraries to extract text from documents and analyze it using NLP. It then generates meaningful filenames for easy identification of their content. The application is lightweight, efficient, and user-friendly.

On the personal interest side of things, this project could serve as a simple but practical introduction to applying AI concepts and tools to a real-world problem. Closing in on the end of the first year at Holberton School, I felt I needed more experience with Python before I began my second year with the machine learning & AI specialization. Overall, my idea seemed like a very good fit for these aspirations.


Batch File Processing

Screenshot of batch file processing

Import files from the Windows dialog menu and run the filename generation on every selected file at once. Once the files are processed, all generated filenames can be previewed on the right side, facing the original file's path.

Filename Editing

Screenshot of filename editing

Double-click a generated filename to freely edit it, or change the destination of the file. Incorrect file paths or filenames containing forbidden characters are ignored and highlighted.

Rename / Revert

Screenshot of a rename revert operation

While visible filename previews and file selection help to prevent potential mistakes, TrueName also allows for a revert operation. Click "revert" to return all selected filenames to their orignal path.
